
The persistent entropy has been defined in [1]. A precursor of this definition was given in [2] to measure how different bars of the barcode are in length.

[1] M. Rucco, F. Castiglione, E. Merelli, M. Pettini, Characterisation of the idiotypic immune network through persistent entropy, in: Proc. Complex, 2015. [2] H. Chintakunta, T. Gentimis, R. Gonzalez-Diaz, M.-J. Jimenez, H. Krim, An entropy-based persistence barcode, Pattern Recognition 48 (2) (2015) 391–401.

Implementation of persistent entropy

Author: Eduardo Paluzo Hidalgo (cimagroup, University of Seville) contact:


persistent_entropy(dgms[, keep_inf, ...])

Perform the persistent entropy values of a family of persistence barcodes (or persistence diagrams).