Source code for persim.visuals

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ["plot_diagrams", "bottleneck_matching", "wasserstein_matching"]

[docs] def plot_diagrams( diagrams, plot_only=None, title=None, xy_range=None, labels=None, colormap="default", size=20, ax_color=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), diagonal=True, lifetime=False, legend=True, show=False, ax=None ): """A helper function to plot persistence diagrams. Parameters ---------- diagrams: ndarray (n_pairs, 2) or list of diagrams A diagram or list of diagrams. If diagram is a list of diagrams, then plot all on the same plot using different colors. plot_only: list of numeric If specified, an array of only the diagrams that should be plotted. title: string, default is None If title is defined, add it as title of the plot. xy_range: list of numeric [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] User provided range of axes. This is useful for comparing multiple persistence diagrams. labels: string or list of strings Legend labels for each diagram. If none are specified, we use H_0, H_1, H_2,... by default. colormap: string, default is 'default' Any of matplotlib color palettes. Some options are 'default', 'seaborn', 'sequential'. See all available styles with .. code:: python import matplotlib as mpl print(mpl.styles.available) size: numeric, default is 20 Pixel size of each point plotted. ax_color: any valid matplotlib color type. See []( for complete API. diagonal: bool, default is True Plot the diagonal x=y line. lifetime: bool, default is False. If True, diagonal is turned to False. Plot life time of each point instead of birth and death. Essentially, visualize (x, y-x). legend: bool, default is True If true, show the legend. show: bool, default is False Call after plotting. If you are using self.plot() as part of a subplot, set show=False and call only once at the end. """ ax = ax or plt.gca() xlabel, ylabel = "Birth", "Death" if not isinstance(diagrams, list): # Must have diagrams as a list for processing downstream diagrams = [diagrams] if labels is None: # Provide default labels for diagrams if using self.dgm_ labels = ["$H_{{{}}}$".format(i) for i , _ in enumerate(diagrams)] if plot_only: diagrams = [diagrams[i] for i in plot_only] labels = [labels[i] for i in plot_only] if not isinstance(labels, list): labels = [labels] * len(diagrams) # Construct copy with proper type of each diagram # so we can freely edit them. diagrams = [dgm.astype(np.float32, copy=True) for dgm in diagrams] # find min and max of all visible diagrams concat_dgms = np.concatenate(diagrams).flatten() has_inf = np.any(np.isinf(concat_dgms)) finite_dgms = concat_dgms[np.isfinite(concat_dgms)] # clever bounding boxes of the diagram if not xy_range: # define bounds of diagram ax_min, ax_max = np.min(finite_dgms), np.max(finite_dgms) x_r = ax_max - ax_min # Give plot a nice buffer on all sides. # ax_range=0 when only one point, buffer = 1 if xy_range == 0 else x_r / 5 x_down = ax_min - buffer / 2 x_up = ax_max + buffer y_down, y_up = x_down, x_up else: x_down, x_up, y_down, y_up = xy_range yr = y_up - y_down if lifetime: # Don't plot landscape and diagonal at the same time. diagonal = False # reset y axis so it doesn't go much below zero y_down = -yr * 0.05 y_up = y_down + yr # set custom ylabel ylabel = "Lifetime" # set diagrams to be (x, y-x) for dgm in diagrams: dgm[:, 1] -= dgm[:, 0] # plot horizon line ax.plot([x_down, x_up], [0, 0], c=ax_color) # Plot diagonal if diagonal: ax.plot([x_down, x_up], [x_down, x_up], "--", c=ax_color) # Plot inf line if has_inf: # put inf line slightly below top b_inf = y_down + yr * 0.95 ax.plot([x_down, x_up], [b_inf, b_inf], "--", c="k", label=r"$\infty$") # convert each inf in each diagram with b_inf for dgm in diagrams: dgm[np.isinf(dgm)] = b_inf # Plot each diagram for dgm, label in zip(diagrams, labels): # plot persistence pairs ax.scatter(dgm[:, 0], dgm[:, 1], size, label=label, edgecolor="none") ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlim([x_down, x_up]) ax.set_ylim([y_down, y_up]) ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box') if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if legend is True: ax.legend(loc="lower right") if show is True:
def plot_a_bar(p, q, c='b', linestyle='-'): plt.plot([p[0], q[0]], [p[1], q[1]], c=c, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=1)
[docs] def bottleneck_matching(dgm1, dgm2, matching, labels=["dgm1", "dgm2"], ax=None): """ Visualize bottleneck matching between two diagrams Parameters =========== dgm1: Mx(>=2) array of birth/death pairs for PD 1 dgm2: Nx(>=2) array of birth/death paris for PD 2 matching: ndarray(Mx+Nx, 3) A list of correspondences in an optimal matching, as well as their distance, where: * First column is index of point in first persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Second column is index of point in second persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Third column is the distance of each matching labels: list of strings names of diagrams for legend. Default = ["dgm1", "dgm2"], ax: matplotlib Axis object For plotting on a particular axis. Examples ========== dist, matching = persim.bottleneck(A_h1, B_h1, matching=True) persim.bottleneck_matching(A_h1, B_h1, matching) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() plot_diagrams([dgm1, dgm2], labels=labels, ax=ax) cp = np.cos(np.pi / 4) sp = np.sin(np.pi / 4) R = np.array([[cp, -sp], [sp, cp]]) if dgm1.size == 0: dgm1 = np.array([[0, 0]]) if dgm2.size == 0: dgm2 = np.array([[0, 0]]) dgm1Rot = dgm2Rot = max_idx = np.argmax(matching[:, 2]) for idx, [i, j, d] in enumerate(matching): i = int(i) j = int(j) linestyle = '--' linewidth = 1 c = 'C2' if idx == max_idx: linestyle = '-' linewidth = 2 c = 'C3' if i != -1 or j != -1: # At least one point is a non-diagonal point if i == -1: diagElem = np.array([dgm2Rot[j, 0], 0]) diagElem = plt.plot([dgm2[j, 0], diagElem[0]], [dgm2[j, 1], diagElem[1]], c, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle) elif j == -1: diagElem = np.array([dgm1Rot[i, 0], 0]) diagElem = ax.plot([dgm1[i, 0], diagElem[0]], [dgm1[i, 1], diagElem[1]], c, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle) else: ax.plot([dgm1[i, 0], dgm2[j, 0]], [dgm1[i, 1], dgm2[j, 1]], c, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle)
[docs] def wasserstein_matching(dgm1, dgm2, matching, labels=["dgm1", "dgm2"], ax=None): """ Visualize bottleneck matching between two diagrams Parameters =========== dgm1: array A diagram dgm2: array A diagram matching: ndarray(Mx+Nx, 3) A list of correspondences in an optimal matching, as well as their distance, where: * First column is index of point in first persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Second column is index of point in second persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Third column is the distance of each matching labels: list of strings names of diagrams for legend. Default = ["dgm1", "dgm2"], ax: matplotlib Axis object For plotting on a particular axis. Examples ========== bn_matching, (matchidx, D) = persim.wasserstien(A_h1, B_h1, matching=True) persim.wasserstein_matching(A_h1, B_h1, matchidx, D) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() cp = np.cos(np.pi / 4) sp = np.sin(np.pi / 4) R = np.array([[cp, -sp], [sp, cp]]) if dgm1.size == 0: dgm1 = np.array([[0, 0]]) if dgm2.size == 0: dgm2 = np.array([[0, 0]]) dgm1Rot = dgm2Rot = for [i, j, d] in matching: i = int(i) j = int(j) if i != -1 or j != -1: # At least one point is a non-diagonal point if i == -1: diagElem = np.array([dgm2Rot[j, 0], 0]) diagElem = plt.plot([dgm2[j, 0], diagElem[0]], [dgm2[j, 1], diagElem[1]], "g") elif j == -1: diagElem = np.array([dgm1Rot[i, 0], 0]) diagElem = ax.plot([dgm1[i, 0], diagElem[0]], [dgm1[i, 1], diagElem[1]], "g") else: ax.plot([dgm1[i, 0], dgm2[j, 0]], [dgm1[i, 1], dgm2[j, 1]], "g") plot_diagrams([dgm1, dgm2], labels=labels, ax=ax)