Source code for persim.images

from __future__ import division

import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import Iterable

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as spatial
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mvn
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin

from persim import images_kernels, images_weights

__all__ = ["PersImage", "PersistenceImager"]

[docs] @deprecated( reason="""Replaced with the class :class:`persim.PersistenceImager`.""", version="0.1.5", ) class PersImage(TransformerMixin): """Initialize a persistence image generator. Parameters ---------- pixels : pair of ints like (int, int) Tuple representing number of pixels in return image along x and y axis. spread : float Standard deviation of gaussian kernel. specs : dict Parameters for shape of image with respect to diagram domain. This is used if you would like images to have a particular range. Shaped like:: { "maxBD": float, "minBD": float } kernel_type : string or ... TODO: Implement this feature. Determine which type of kernel used in the convolution, or pass in custom kernel. Currently only implements Gaussian. weighting_type : string or ... TODO: Implement this feature. Determine which type of weighting function used, or pass in custom weighting function. Currently only implements linear weighting. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pixels=(20, 20), spread=None, specs=None, kernel_type="gaussian", weighting_type="linear", verbose=True, ): self.specs = specs self.kernel_type = kernel_type self.weighting_type = weighting_type self.spread = spread self.nx, self.ny = pixels if verbose: print( 'PersImage(pixels={}, spread={}, specs={}, kernel_type="{}", weighting_type="{}")'.format( pixels, spread, specs, kernel_type, weighting_type ) )
def transform(self, diagrams): """Convert diagram or list of diagrams to a persistence image. Parameters ----------- diagrams : list of or singleton diagram, list of pairs. [(birth, death)] Persistence diagrams to be converted to persistence images. It is assumed they are in (birth, death) format. Can input a list of diagrams or a single diagram. """ # if diagram is empty, return empty image if len(diagrams) == 0: return np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny)) # if first entry of first entry is not iterable, then diagrams is singular and we need to make it a list of diagrams try: singular = not isinstance(diagrams[0][0], Iterable) except IndexError: singular = False if singular: diagrams = [diagrams] dgs = [np.copy(diagram) for diagram in diagrams] landscapes = [PersImage.to_landscape(dg) for dg in dgs] if not self.specs: self.specs = { "maxBD": np.max( [ np.max(np.vstack((landscape, np.zeros((1, 2))))) for landscape in landscapes ] + [0] ), "minBD": np.min( [ np.min(np.vstack((landscape, np.zeros((1, 2))))) for landscape in landscapes ] + [0] ), } imgs = [self._transform(dgm) for dgm in landscapes] # Make sure we return one item. if singular: imgs = imgs[0] return imgs def _transform(self, landscape): # Define an NxN grid over our landscape maxBD = self.specs["maxBD"] minBD = min(self.specs["minBD"], 0) # at least show 0, maybe lower # Same bins in x and y axis dx = maxBD / (self.ny) xs_lower = np.linspace(minBD, maxBD, self.nx) xs_upper = np.linspace(minBD, maxBD, self.nx) + dx ys_lower = np.linspace(0, maxBD, self.ny) ys_upper = np.linspace(0, maxBD, self.ny) + dx weighting = self.weighting(landscape) # Define zeros img = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny)) # Implement this as a `summed-area table` - it'll be way faster spread = self.spread if self.spread else dx for point in landscape: x_smooth = norm.cdf(xs_upper, point[0], spread) - norm.cdf( xs_lower, point[0], spread ) y_smooth = norm.cdf(ys_upper, point[1], spread) - norm.cdf( ys_lower, point[1], spread ) img += np.outer(x_smooth, y_smooth) * weighting(point) img = img.T[::-1] return img def weighting(self, landscape=None): """Define a weighting function, for stability results to hold, the function must be 0 at y=0. """ # TODO: Implement a logistic function # TODO: use self.weighting_type to choose function if landscape is not None: if len(landscape) > 0: maxy = np.max(landscape[:, 1]) else: maxy = 1 def linear(interval): # linear function of y such that f(0) = 0 and f(max(y)) = 1 d = interval[1] return (1 / maxy) * d if landscape is not None else d def pw_linear(interval): """This is the function defined as w_b(t) in the original PI paper Take b to be maxy/self.ny to effectively zero out the bottom pixel row """ t = interval[1] b = maxy / self.ny if t <= 0: return 0 if 0 < t < b: return t / b if b <= t: return 1 return linear def kernel(self, spread=1): """This will return whatever kind of kernel we want to use. Must have signature (ndarray size NxM, ndarray size 1xM) -> ndarray size Nx1 """ # TODO: use self.kernel_type to choose function def gaussian(data, pixel): return mvn.pdf(data, mean=pixel, cov=spread) return gaussian @staticmethod def to_landscape(diagram): """Convert a diagram to a landscape (b,d) -> (b, d-b) """ diagram[:, 1] -= diagram[:, 0] return diagram def show(self, imgs, ax=None): """Visualize the persistence image""" ax = ax or plt.gca() if type(imgs) is not list: imgs = [imgs] for i, img in enumerate(imgs): ax.imshow(img, cmap=plt.get_cmap("plasma")) ax.axis("off")
[docs] class PersistenceImager(TransformerMixin): """Transformer which converts persistence diagrams into persistence images. Parameters ---------- birth_range : pair of floats Range of persistence pair birth values covered by the persistence image (default: (0.0, 1.0)). pers_range : pair of floats Range of persistence pair persistence (death-birth) values covered by the persistence image (default: (0.0, 1.0)). pixel_size : float Dimensions of each square pixel (default: 0.2). weight : callable or str in ['persistence', 'linear_ramp'] Function which weights the birth-persistence plane (default: 'persistence'). weight_params : dict Arguments needed to specify the weight function (default: {'n': 1.0}). kernel : callable or str in ['gaussian', 'uniform'] Cumulative distribution function defining the kernel (default: 'gaussian'). kernel_params : dict Arguments needed to specify the kernel function (default: {'sigma': [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]}). Example ------- First instantiate a PersistenceImager() object:: > from persim import PersistenceImager > pimgr = PersistenceImager(pixel_size=0.2, birth_range=(0,1)) Printing a PersistenceImager() object will print its hyperparameters:: > print(pimgr) PersistenceImager(birth_range=(0.0, 1.0), pers_range=(0.0, 1.0), pixel_size=0.2, weight=persistence, weight_params={'n': 1.0}, kernel=gaussian, kernel_params={'sigma': [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]}) PersistenceImager() attributes can be adjusted at or after instantiation. Updating attributes of a PersistenceImager() object will automatically update all other dependent attributes:: > pimgr.pixel_size = 0.1 > pimgr.birth_range = (0, 2) > print(pimgr) > print(pimgr.resolution) PersistenceImager(birth_range=(0.0, 2.0), pers_range=(0.0, 1.0), pixel_size=0.1, weight=persistence, weight_params={'n': 1.0}, kernel=gaussian, kernel_params={'sigma': [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]}) (20, 10) The `fit()` method can be called on one or more (-,2) numpy.ndarrays to automatically determine the miniumum birth and persistence ranges needed to capture all persistence pairs. The ranges and resolution are automatically adjusted to accomodate the specified pixel size. The option `skew=True` specifies that the diagram is currently in birth-death coordinates and must first be transformed to birth-persistence coordinates:: > import numpy as np > pimgr = PersistenceImager(pixel_size=0.5) > pdgms = [np.array([[0.5, 0.8], [0.7, 2.2], [2.5, 4.0]]), np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [3.1, 3.3], [1.6, 2.9]]), np.array([[0.2, 1.5], [0.4, 0.6], [0.2, 2.6]])] >, skew=True) > print(pimgr) > print(pimgr.resolution) PersistenceImager(birth_range=(0.1, 3.1), pers_range=(-8.326672684688674e-17, 2.5), pixel_size=0.5, weight=persistence, weight_params={'n': 1.0}, kernel=gaussian, kernel_params={'sigma': [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]}) (6, 5) The `transform()` method can then be called on one or more (-,2) numpy.ndarrays to generate persistence images from diagrams. The option `skew=True` specifies that the diagrams are currently in birth-death coordinates and must first be transformed to birth-persistence coordinates:: > pimgs = pimgr.transform(pdgms, skew=True) > pimgs[0] array([[0.03999068, 0.05688393, 0.06672051, 0.06341749, 0.04820814], [0.04506697, 0.06556791, 0.07809764, 0.07495246, 0.05730671], [0.04454486, 0.06674611, 0.08104366, 0.07869919, 0.06058808], [0.04113063, 0.0636504 , 0.07884635, 0.07747833, 0.06005714], [0.03625436, 0.05757744, 0.07242608, 0.07180125, 0.05593626], [0.02922239, 0.04712024, 0.05979033, 0.05956698, 0.04653357]]) Notes ----- [1] Adams et. al., "Persistence Images: A Stable Vector Representation of Persistent Homology," Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 18, pp. 1-35, 2017. """
[docs] def __init__( self, birth_range=None, pers_range=None, pixel_size=None, weight=None, weight_params=None, kernel=None, kernel_params=None, ): """PersistenceImager constructor method""" # set defaults if birth_range is None: birth_range = (0.0, 1.0) if pers_range is None: pers_range = (0.0, 1.0) if pixel_size is None: pixel_size = 0.2 if weight is None: weight = images_weights.persistence if kernel is None: kernel = images_kernels.gaussian if weight_params is None: weight_params = {"n": 1.0} if kernel_params is None: kernel_params = {"sigma": [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]} # validate parameters self._validate_parameters( birth_range=birth_range, pers_range=pers_range, pixel_size=pixel_size, weight=weight, weight_params=weight_params, kernel=kernel, kernel_params=kernel_params, ) self.weight, self.kernel = self._ensure_callable(weight=weight, kernel=kernel) self.weight_params = weight_params self.kernel_params = kernel_params self._pixel_size = pixel_size self._birth_range = birth_range self._pers_range = pers_range self._width = birth_range[1] - birth_range[0] self._height = pers_range[1] - pers_range[0] self._resolution = ( int(self._width / self._pixel_size), int(self._height / self._pixel_size), ) self._create_mesh()
@property def width(self): """ Persistence image width. Returns ------- width : float The width of the region of the birth-persistence plane covered by the persistence image in birth units. """ return self._width @property def height(self): """ Persistence image height. Returns ------- height : float The height of the region of the birth-persistence plane covered by the persistence image in persistence units. """ return self._height @property def resolution(self): """ Persistence image resolution. Returns ------- resolution : pair of ints (width, height) The number of pixels along each dimension of the persistence image, determined by the birth and persistence ranges and the pixel size. """ return self._resolution @property def pixel_size(self): """ Persistence image square pixel dimensions. Returns ------- pixel_size : float The width (and height) in birth/persistence units of each square pixel in the persistence image. """ return self._pixel_size @pixel_size.setter def pixel_size(self, val): self._pixel_size = val self._width = ( int(np.ceil((self.birth_range[1] - self.birth_range[0]) / self.pixel_size)) * self.pixel_size ) self._height = ( int(np.ceil((self.pers_range[1] - self.pers_range[0]) / self.pixel_size)) * self.pixel_size ) self._resolution = ( int(self.width / self.pixel_size), int(self.height / self.pixel_size), ) self._create_mesh() @property def birth_range(self): """ Range of birth values covered by the persistence image. Returns ------- birth_range : pair of floats (min. birth, max. birth) The minimum and maximum birth values covered by the persistence image. """ return self._birth_range @birth_range.setter def birth_range(self, val): self._birth_range = val self._width = ( int(np.ceil((self.birth_range[1] - self.birth_range[0]) / self.pixel_size)) * self._pixel_size ) self._resolution = ( int(self.width / self.pixel_size), int(self.height / self.pixel_size), ) self._create_mesh() @property def pers_range(self): """ Range of persistence values covered by the persistence image. Returns ------- pers_range : pair of floats (min. persistence, max. persistence) The minimum and maximum persistence values covered by the persistence image. """ return self._pers_range @pers_range.setter def pers_range(self, val): self._pers_range = val self._height = ( int(np.ceil((self.pers_range[1] - self.pers_range[0]) / self.pixel_size)) * self._pixel_size ) self._resolution = ( int(self.width / self.pixel_size), int(self.height / self.pixel_size), ) self._create_mesh() def __repr__(self): import pprint as pp params = tuple( [ self.birth_range, self.pers_range, self.pixel_size, self.weight.__name__, pp.pformat(self.weight_params), self.kernel.__name__, pp.pformat(self.kernel_params), ] ) repr_str = ( "PersistenceImager(birth_range=%s, pers_range=%s, pixel_size=%s, weight=%s, weight_params=%s, kernel=%s, kernel_params=%s)" % params ) return repr_str def _ensure_callable(self, weight=None, kernel=None): valid_weights_dict = { "persistence": images_weights.persistence, "linear_ramp": images_weights.linear_ramp, } valid_kernels_dict = { "gaussian": images_kernels.gaussian, "uniform": images_kernels.uniform, } if isinstance(weight, str): weight = valid_weights_dict[weight] if isinstance(kernel, str): kernel = valid_kernels_dict[kernel] return weight, kernel def _validate_parameters( self, birth_range=None, pers_range=None, pixel_size=None, weight=None, weight_params=None, kernel=None, kernel_params=None, ): valid_weights = ["persistence", "linear_ramp"] valid_kernels = ["gaussian", "uniform"] # validate birth_range if isinstance(birth_range, tuple): if len(birth_range) != 2: raise ValueError("birth_range must be a pair: (min. birth, max. birth)") elif (not isinstance(birth_range[0], (int, float))) or ( not isinstance(birth_range[1], (int, float)) ): raise ValueError( "birth_range must be a pair of numbers: (min. birth, max. birth)" ) else: raise ValueError("birth_range must be a tuple") # validate pers_range if isinstance(pers_range, tuple): if len(pers_range) != 2: raise ValueError( "pers_range must be a pair: (min. persistence, max. persistence)" ) elif (not isinstance(pers_range[0], (int, float))) or ( not isinstance(pers_range[1], (int, float)) ): raise ValueError( "pers_range must be a pair of numbers: (min. persistence, max. persistence)" ) else: raise ValueError("pers_range must be a tuple") # validate pixel_size if not isinstance(pixel_size, (int, float)): raise ValueError("pixel_size must be an int or float") # validate weight if not callable(weight): if isinstance(weight, str): if weight not in ["persistence", "linear_ramp"]: raise ValueError( "weight must be callable or a str in %s" % valid_weights ) else: raise ValueError("weight must be callable or a str") # validate weight_params if not isinstance(weight_params, dict): raise ValueError("weight_params must be a dict") # validate kernel if not callable(kernel): if isinstance(kernel, str): if kernel not in valid_kernels: raise ValueError( "kernel must be callable or a str in %s" % valid_kernels ) else: raise ValueError("kernel must be callable or a str") # validate kernel_params if not isinstance(kernel_params, dict): raise ValueError("kernel_params must be a dict") def _create_mesh(self): # padding around specified image ranges as a result of incommensurable ranges and pixel width db = self._width - (self._birth_range[1] - self._birth_range[0]) dp = self._height - (self._pers_range[1] - self._pers_range[0]) # adjust image ranges to accommodate incommensurable ranges and pixel width self._birth_range = ( self._birth_range[0] - db / 2, self._birth_range[1] + db / 2, ) self._pers_range = (self._pers_range[0] - dp / 2, self._pers_range[1] + dp / 2) # construct linear spaces defining pixel locations self._bpnts = np.linspace( self._birth_range[0], self._birth_range[1] + self._pixel_size, self._resolution[0] + 1, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float64, ) self._ppnts = np.linspace( self._pers_range[0], self._pers_range[1] + self._pixel_size, self._resolution[1] + 1, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float64, ) def fit(self, pers_dgms, skew=True): """Choose persistence image range parameters which minimally enclose all persistence pairs across one or more persistence diagrams. Parameters ---------- pers_dgms : one or an iterable of (-,2) numpy.ndarrays Collection of one or more persistence diagrams. skew : boolean Flag indicating if diagram(s) need to first be converted to birth-persistence coordinates (default: True). """ min_birth = np.Inf max_birth = -np.Inf min_pers = np.Inf max_pers = -np.Inf # convert to a list of diagrams if necessary pers_dgms, singular = self._ensure_iterable(pers_dgms) # loop over diagrams to determine the maximum extent of the pairs contained in the birth-persistence plane for pers_dgm in pers_dgms: pers_dgm = np.copy(pers_dgm) if skew: pers_dgm[:, 1] = pers_dgm[:, 1] - pers_dgm[:, 0] min_b, min_p = pers_dgm.min(axis=0) max_b, max_p = pers_dgm.max(axis=0) if min_b < min_birth: min_birth = min_b if min_p < min_pers: min_pers = min_p if max_b > max_birth: max_birth = max_b if max_p > max_pers: max_pers = max_p self.birth_range = (min_birth, max_birth) self.pers_range = (min_pers, max_pers) def transform(self, pers_dgms, skew=True, n_jobs=None): """Transform a persistence diagram or an iterable containing a collection of persistence diagrams into persistence images. Parameters ---------- pers_dgms : one or an iterable of (-,2) numpy.ndarrays Collection of one or more persistence diagrams. skew : boolean Flag indicating if diagram(s) need to first be converted to birth-persistence coordinates (default: True). n_jobs : int Number of cores to use to transform a collection of persistence diagrams into persistence images (default: None, uses a single core). Returns ------- list Collection of numpy.ndarrays encoding the persistence images in the same order as pers_dgms. """ if n_jobs is not None: parallelize = True else: parallelize = False # if diagram is empty, return empty image if len(pers_dgms) == 0: return np.zeros(self.resolution) # convert to a list of diagrams if necessary pers_dgms, singular = self._ensure_iterable(pers_dgms) if parallelize: pers_imgs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_transform)( pers_dgm, skew, self.resolution, self.weight, self.weight_params, self.kernel, self.kernel_params, self._bpnts, self._ppnts, ) for pers_dgm in pers_dgms ) else: pers_imgs = [ _transform( pers_dgm, skew=skew, resolution=self.resolution, weight=self.weight, weight_params=self.weight_params, kernel=self.kernel, kernel_params=self.kernel_params, _bpnts=self._bpnts, _ppnts=self._ppnts, ) for pers_dgm in pers_dgms ] if singular: pers_imgs = pers_imgs[0] return pers_imgs def fit_transform(self, pers_dgms, skew=True): """Choose persistence image range parameters which minimally enclose all persistence pairs across one or more persistence diagrams and transform the persistence diagrams into persistence images. Parameters ---------- pers_dgms : one or an iterable of (-,2) numpy.ndarray Collection of one or more persistence diagrams. skew : boolean Flag indicating if diagram(s) need to first be converted to birth-persistence coordinates (default: True). Returns ------- list Collection of numpy.ndarrays encoding the persistence images in the same order as pers_dgms. """ pers_dgms = copy.deepcopy(pers_dgms) # fit imager parameters, skew=skew) # transform diagrams to images pers_imgs = self.transform(pers_dgms, skew=skew) return pers_imgs def _ensure_iterable(self, pers_dgms): # if first entry of first entry is not iterable, then diagrams is singular and we need to make it a list of diagrams try: singular = not isinstance(pers_dgms[0][0], Iterable) except IndexError: singular = False if singular: pers_dgms = [pers_dgms] return pers_dgms, singular def plot_diagram(self, pers_dgm, skew=True, ax=None, out_file=None): """Plot a persistence diagram. Parameters ---------- pers_dgm : (-,2) numpy.ndarray A persistence diagram. skew : boolean Flag indicating if diagram needs to first be converted to birth-persistence coordinates (default: True). ax : matplotlib.Axes Instance of a matplotlib.Axes object in which to plot (default: None, generates a new figure) out_file : str Path and file name including extension to save the figure (default: None, figure not saved). Returns ------- matplotlib.Axes The matplotlib.Axes which contains the persistence diagram """ pers_dgm = np.copy(pers_dgm) if skew: pers_dgm[:, 1] = pers_dgm[:, 1] - pers_dgm[:, 0] ylabel = "persistence" else: ylabel = "death" # setup plot range plot_buff_frac = 0.05 bmin = np.min((np.min(pers_dgm[:, 0]), np.min(self._bpnts))) bmax = np.max((np.max(pers_dgm[:, 0]), np.max(self._bpnts))) b_plot_buff = (bmax - bmin) * plot_buff_frac bmin -= b_plot_buff bmax += b_plot_buff pmin = np.min((np.min(pers_dgm[:, 1]), np.min(self._ppnts))) pmax = np.max((np.max(pers_dgm[:, 1]), np.max(self._ppnts))) p_plot_buff = (pmax - pmin) * plot_buff_frac pmin -= p_plot_buff pmax += p_plot_buff ax = ax or plt.gca() ax.set_xlim(bmin, bmax) ax.set_ylim(pmin, pmax) # compute reasonable line width for pixel overlay (initially 1/50th of the width of a pixel) linewidth = ( (1 / 50 * self.pixel_size) * 72 * plt.gcf().bbox_inches.width * ax.get_position().width / np.min((bmax - bmin, pmax - pmin)) ) # plot the persistence image grid if skew: hlines = np.column_stack( np.broadcast_arrays( self._bpnts[0], self._ppnts, self._bpnts[-1], self._ppnts ) ) vlines = np.column_stack( np.broadcast_arrays( self._bpnts, self._ppnts[0], self._bpnts, self._ppnts[-1] ) ) lines = np.concatenate([hlines, vlines]).reshape(-1, 2, 2) line_collection = LineCollection(lines, color="black", linewidths=linewidth) ax.add_collection(line_collection) # plot persistence diagram ax.scatter(pers_dgm[:, 0], pers_dgm[:, 1]) # plot diagonal if necessary if not skew: min_diag = np.min((np.min(ax.get_xlim()), np.min(ax.get_ylim()))) max_diag = np.min((np.max(ax.get_xlim()), np.max(ax.get_ylim()))) ax.plot([min_diag, max_diag], [min_diag, max_diag]) # fix and label axes ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel("birth") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # optionally save figure if out_file: plt.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches="tight") return ax def plot_image(self, pers_img, ax=None, out_file=None): """Plot a persistence image. Parameters ---------- pers_img : (M,N) numpy.ndarray A persistence image, as output by PersistenceImager().transform() ax : matplotlib.Axes Instance of a matplotlib.Axes object in which to plot (default: None, generates a new figure) out_file : str Path and file name including extension to save the figure (default: None, figure not saved). Returns ------- matplotlib.Axes The matplotlib.Axes which contains the persistence image """ ax = ax or plt.gca() ax.matshow(pers_img.T, **{"origin": "lower"}) # fix and label axes ax.set_xlabel("birth") ax.set_ylabel("persistence") ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # optionally save figure if out_file: plt.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches="tight") return ax
def _transform( pers_dgm, skew=True, resolution=None, weight=None, weight_params=None, kernel=None, kernel_params=None, _bpnts=None, _ppnts=None, ): """Transform a persistence diagram into a persistence image. Parameters ---------- pers_dgm : (-,2) numpy.ndarray A persistence diagrams. skew : boolean Flag indicating if diagram(s) need to first be converted to birth-persistence coordinates (default: True). resolution : pair of ints The number of pixels along the birth and persistence axes in the persistence image. weight : callable Function which weights the birth-persistence plane. weight_params : dict Arguments needed to specify the weight function. kernel : callable Cumulative distribution function defining the kernel. kernel_params : dict Arguments needed to specify the kernel function. _bpnts : (N,) numpy.ndarray The birth coordinates of the persistence image pixel locations. _ppnts : (M,) numpy.ndarray The persistence coordinates of the persistence image pixel locations. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (M,N) numpy.ndarray encoding the persistence image corresponding to pers_dgm. """ pers_dgm = np.copy(pers_dgm) pers_img = np.zeros(resolution) n = pers_dgm.shape[0] general_flag = True # if necessary convert from birth-death coordinates to birth-persistence coordinates if skew: pers_dgm[:, 1] = pers_dgm[:, 1] - pers_dgm[:, 0] # compute weights at each persistence pair wts = weight(pers_dgm[:, 0], pers_dgm[:, 1], **weight_params) # handle the special case of a standard, isotropic Gaussian kernel if kernel == images_kernels.gaussian: general_flag = False sigma = kernel_params["sigma"] # sigma is specified by a single variance if isinstance(sigma, (int, float)): sigma = np.array([[sigma, 0.0], [0.0, sigma]], dtype=np.float64) if sigma[0][0] == sigma[1][1] and sigma[0][1] == 0.0: sigma = np.sqrt(sigma[0][0]) for i in range(n): ncdf_b = images_kernels.norm_cdf((_bpnts - pers_dgm[i, 0]) / sigma) ncdf_p = images_kernels.norm_cdf((_ppnts - pers_dgm[i, 1]) / sigma) curr_img = ncdf_p[None, :] * ncdf_b[:, None] pers_img += wts[i] * ( curr_img[1:, 1:] - curr_img[:-1, 1:] - curr_img[1:, :-1] + curr_img[:-1, :-1] ) else: general_flag = True # handle the general case if general_flag: bb, pp = np.meshgrid(_bpnts, _ppnts, indexing="ij") bb = bb.flatten(order="C") pp = pp.flatten(order="C") for i in range(n): curr_img = np.reshape( kernel(bb, pp, mu=pers_dgm[i, :], **kernel_params), (resolution[0] + 1, resolution[1] + 1), order="C", ) pers_img += wts[i] * ( curr_img[1:, 1:] - curr_img[:-1, 1:] - curr_img[1:, :-1] + curr_img[:-1, :-1] ) return pers_img