Source code for persim.bottleneck


    Implementation of the bottleneck distance using binary
    search and the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm

    Author: Chris Tralie


import numpy as np

from bisect import bisect_left
from hopcroftkarp import HopcroftKarp
import warnings

__all__ = ["bottleneck"]

[docs] def bottleneck(dgm1, dgm2, matching=False): """ Perform the Bottleneck distance matching between persistence diagrams. Assumes first two columns of S and T are the coordinates of the persistence points, but allows for other coordinate columns (which are ignored in diagonal matching). See the `distances` notebook for an example of how to use this. Parameters ----------- dgm1: Mx(>=2) array of birth/death pairs for PD 1 dgm2: Nx(>=2) array of birth/death paris for PD 2 matching: bool, default False if True, return matching infromation and cross-similarity matrix Returns -------- d: float bottleneck distance between dgm1 and dgm2 matching: ndarray(Mx+Nx, 3), Only returns if `matching=True` A list of correspondences in an optimal matching, as well as their distance, where: * First column is index of point in first persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Second column is index of point in second persistence diagram, or -1 if diagonal * Third column is the distance of each matching """ return_matching = matching S = np.array(dgm1) M = min(S.shape[0], S.size) if S.size > 0: S = S[np.isfinite(S[:, 1]), :] if S.shape[0] < M: warnings.warn( "dgm1 has points with non-finite death times;" + "ignoring those points" ) M = S.shape[0] T = np.array(dgm2) N = min(T.shape[0], T.size) if T.size > 0: T = T[np.isfinite(T[:, 1]), :] if T.shape[0] < N: warnings.warn( "dgm2 has points with non-finite death times;" + "ignoring those points" ) N = T.shape[0] if M == 0: S = np.array([[0, 0]]) M = 1 if N == 0: T = np.array([[0, 0]]) N = 1 # Step 1: Compute CSM between S and T, including points on diagonal # L Infinity distance Sb, Sd = S[:, 0], S[:, 1] Tb, Td = T[:, 0], T[:, 1] D1 = np.abs(Sb[:, None] - Tb[None, :]) D2 = np.abs(Sd[:, None] - Td[None, :]) DUL = np.maximum(D1, D2) # Put diagonal elements into the matrix, being mindful that Linfinity # balls meet the diagonal line at a diamond vertex D = np.zeros((M + N, M + N)) # Upper left is Linfinity cross-similarity between two diagrams D[0:M, 0:N] = DUL # Upper right is diagonal matching of points from S UR = np.inf * np.ones((M, M)) np.fill_diagonal(UR, 0.5 * (S[:, 1] - S[:, 0])) D[0:M, N::] = UR # Lower left is diagonal matching of points from T UL = np.inf * np.ones((N, N)) np.fill_diagonal(UL, 0.5 * (T[:, 1] - T[:, 0])) D[M::, 0:N] = UL # Lower right is all 0s by default (remaining diagonals match to diagonals) # Step 2: Perform a binary search + Hopcroft Karp to find the # bottleneck distance ds = np.sort(np.unique(D.flatten())) # [0:-1] # Everything but np.inf bdist = ds[-1] matching = {} while len(ds) >= 1: idx = 0 if len(ds) > 1: idx = bisect_left(range(ds.size), int(ds.size / 2)) d = ds[idx] graph = {} for i in range(D.shape[0]): graph["{}".format(i)] = {j for j in range(D.shape[1]) if D[i, j] <= d} res = HopcroftKarp(graph).maximum_matching() if len(res) == 2 * D.shape[0] and d <= bdist: bdist = d matching = res ds = ds[0:idx] else: ds = ds[idx + 1 : :] if return_matching: matchidx = [] for i in range(M + N): j = matching["{}".format(i)] d = D[i, j] if i < M: if j >= N: j = -1 # Diagonal match from first persistence diagram else: if j >= N: # Diagonal to diagonal, so don't include this continue i = -1 matchidx.append([i, j, d]) return bdist, np.array(matchidx) else: return bdist